Automate multiple google search, "About ## results" being removed

Good afternoon!

Ive been asked to help our recruiters to submit a list of queries to be passed to the Google search.

The text file is ~100 lines with each line being the complete string to search for. AND (Company AND Technology) AND (analyst OR engineer OR developer OR administrator) AND NOT (jobs OR hiring) AND Location:detroit, mi

If you open a web browser and past this text into search, it generates a result and displays the count of the result, i.e.:
About 70 results (0.55 seconds)

This is all the data I really need.

Ive written the script below. If I uncomment the very last line, start $Uri, a new tab will be opened for each line in the text file showing each query and the browser window has the “About ## results” text.

My script has a regex to search for this value. Unfortunately every pass fails because when you run it as a script, the resulting returned HTML does not have the result value in it.
If you uncomment #Out-File -FilePath .\test.html -InputObject $WebResponse.Content it will create test.html for each new query. When you display test.html in the browser of your choice, it does not have the “About ## results” in it.

I have tried using both Invoke-RestMethod and Invoke-WebRequest. Same results for both.

Im sure this has something to do with how Google percieves the Powershell Invoke-* client. I have tried forcing User-Agent but results do not change. I don’t have much hair left to pull out.
Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

Thank you in advance!

function Get-GoogleCSEQueryString {
    param([string[]] $Query)
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web # To get UrlEncode()
    $QueryString = ($Query | %{ [Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($_)}) -join '+'
    # Return the query string

$Technology_Variables = Get-Content ".\Technologies.txt"
## Example file format
## AND (Company AND Technology) AND (analyst OR engineer OR developer OR administrator) AND NOT (jobs OR hiring) AND Location:detroit, mi

$j = $Technology_Variables.count

for ($i= 0 ; $i -le $j-1 ; $i++)

	Write-host "Searching for external talent" $i $Technology_Variables[$i]
	$QueryString = Get-GoogleCSEQueryString $Technology_Variables[$i]
	Write-host "Google Query" $QueryString
$Uri = "$QueryString"

# $WebResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -URI $Uri
$WebResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -URI $Uri

#Out-File -FilePath .\header.html -InputObject $WebResponse.Headers
#Out-File -FilePath .\test.html -InputObject $WebResponse.Content

$resultsearch = [regex]::match($WebResponse.Content,'About (\d*) results').Groups[1].Value

	Write-host "About" $resultsearch
Start-Sleep -s 1

##Open each query in a web browser
# start $Uri

Thank you in advance!

Welcome to the forum. :wave:t4:

I think with using an automatic process getting search results you may very likely violate their terms of services. And probably they even try to prevent the use of something like this. :man_shrugging:t4:

You may use their search API instead. I just don’t know if that’s free. And “No” - I don’t know how to use their search API with PowerShell. :wink: