Audit File giving me trouble

Here is the code i use… It works in the way i want it to work… It finds a description that equals and deletes everything that contains in it…
$text = gc H:\nessusfile.audit
$text = $text -split “`r`n”,‘’

$delete = $false
$op = @()
foreach($line in $text)
if($line -like '**')
    $itemLines = @($line)
    $delete = $false
    $inItem = $true
elseif($line -like '**')
    $itemLines += $line

    if($delete -eq $false)
        $op += $itemLines

    $inItem = $false

    $itemLines += $line

    if($line -like '*description *: **')
        $delete = $true
    $op += $line
$op | out-file "H:\Test.audit"

The issue is… When i tried to upload the file to Tenable Security Center it says “Invalid Format”… Naming convention is the same…

I think it has something to do with

$text = $text -split "`r`n",''

When i do not use that line of code the script does not work… Is there a way to fix this issue i am having?

check the file encoding, Tenable requires ANSI.
you may need to specify the encoding for out-file

$op | out-file "H:\Test.audit" -Encoding ANSI

I get an error that states “Cannot validate argument on parameter ‘encoding’. The argument “ANSI” does not belong to the set “Unicode, utf7, utf8, utf32, ascii, bigendianunicode,default,oem”” specified by the validateSet attribute. Supply an argument that is in the set and then try the command again.

Also how would I check the encoding?

my apologies for the quick answer it should be ascii
To check the working file open it notepad then do a saveas. The current encoding will be next to the save button.

I though that would be the process; however, if I have it in notepad it tried to save it as a .txt file and not a .audit file… so it was skeptical haha