Assistance with If Statement

Below is a script that will set the local administrator to the “Password” field that exists in a separate file. So the separate file may have a field that says Password=“password1”. However, it is not a mandatory field.

I want to put a if statement in there that says, if the “Password” field does not exist, do not make any changes to the local admin password so the script does not error. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Also should I change the $computer or leave it?

This is not the full script, just the portion that needs changing

$file = “c:\”
$admin = [ADSI]“WinNT://$Computer/administrator,user”
$admin.psbase.invoke(“SetPassword”, $file[“PASSWORD”])

This will change the password to what is captured from

Get-Content .\ | ForEach-Object {
If ($_ -match 'password="(.*)"'){
    $admin = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Computer/administrator,user"
    $admin.psbase.invoke("SetPassword", $file[$Matches[1]])

Thank you!
With the script above, if there is no Password value in the file, what will happen. Ideally, I don’t want the script to error our. Sorry I am still a beginner.

As I am learning, could you break down your script for me to understand? If you have the time. Thanks.

Does this help?

Get-Content .\ | ForEach-Object {

# Check each line of file for 'password='
If ($_ -match 'password="(.*)"'){
# If a line has 'password=' in it, whatever is to right of '=' 
# is captured in $Matches. Also, if 'password=' is found, 
# it executes your code and sets password.
    $admin = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Computer/administrator,user"
    $admin.psbase.invoke("SetPassword", $file[$Matches[1]])