Array to CSV cell or File to CSV Cell

Hi Team,

Greetings !!!

I need some help related to CSzv export and formatting

I have a array which is having 10 txt file(Having Multiple line) content added using +=. I am looking for help to export it to csv so each array diamention value goes to single cell. That means each files content should go to single cell.

Or using get-content after reading a file how i can get all data in a single cell in CSV.So if 10 files are there 10 column cell will be having those file content. Like that in each row i will be having data for multiple server. I have tried lot but it not working.


Server name, File1, File2,…file10
server 1,file 1 content, file 2 content, go on
Server 2,file 1 content, file 2 content, go on


Thank you.


Can you show us what you’ve tried? What is not working?

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your reply. Please find below script which i was trying. Write-output and export CSV both i have tried.


$serverN = get-content Serverlist.txt

$conffilecont=New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Write-output " Server Name, conf file " | Out-file -FilePath MonConfdetails$((get-date).tostring(“dd-MM-yyyy”)).csv -Encoding ascii -append
Foreach($serverE in $serverN)
$conffilecont += $serverE
$TargetFolder = “\”+$serverE+“\C$\tools\Imm\config”
$Filelist= Get-Childitem $TargetFolder -Recurse | Where {$_.extension -eq “.conf”} | Sort name
Foreach($Files in $filelist)
write-output “$Files”
$filepath = $TargetFolder +"" + $files
$conffilecont += get-content $filepath

Write-output “$conffilecont” | Out-file -FilePath MonConfdetails$((get-date).tostring(“dd-MM-yyyy”)).csv -Encoding ascii -append
$conffilecont | export-Csv foo.csv -NoTypeInformation


Expected output as per below. Let me know if its possible.


Server name File 1 file 2 file 3
Server 1 # GSMA BlueCARE Windows Agent # CustomScript script configuration file #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEBUG : 1 (yes) 0 (no) # MAX_DEBUG_SIZE : maximum size of debug file in bytes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG=0 MAX_DEBUG_SIZE=1000000 TIMEOUT=20 USE_THREADS_ON_WINDOWS=0 MAX_EVENT_AGE=1 # Minimum time elapsed since last alert with the same EventCode and Source # Monitor will not issue alert if time elapsed is less than this parameter # Possible values of unit: # m - Month # d - Day # h - Hour # n - Minute # s - Second (default) MINIMUM_ELAPSED_TIME=1h go on
Server 2 # GSMA BlueCARE Windows Agent # CustomScript script configuration file #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEBUG : 1 (yes) 0 (no) # MAX_DEBUG_SIZE : maximum size of debug file in bytes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG=0 MAX_DEBUG_SIZE=2k TIMEOUT=20 USE_THREADS_ON_WINDOWS=0 MAX_EVENT_AGE=1 # Minimum time elapsed since last alert with the same EventCode and Source # Monitor will not issue alert if time elapsed is less than this parameter # Possible values of unit: # m - Month # d - Day # h - Hour_test # n - Minute # s - Second (default) MINIMUM_ELAPSED_TIME=1h
Thanks and Regards,

Baneswar AKoley

Not exactly what you are looking for, but I think it will help get you there.
Getting the content of the file into a cell can be accomplished by joining the data with a line feed, see below.
Hope this helps.

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\temp\Files | ForEach-Object -Begin {
$obj = @()
} -Process {
$content = (Get-Content -Path $PSItem.fullname) -join “`n”
$obj += [pscustomobject] @{
Name = $PSItem.Name
Content = $content
} -End {
$obj | Format-List #export-csv

Hi Wes,

Greetings !!!

Thank you Very much. When i ran this command i am getting below error but yes i got the concept now so i will try it withing few days.

If i put direct file path insteaad of $PSItem.fullname its working

error details

PS C:\users\bace123w\Desktop> .\fileread.ps1
Get-Content : Cannot bind argument to parameter ‘Path’ because it is null.
At C:\users\bace123w\Desktop\fileread.ps1:6 char:30

  • $content = (Get-Content -Path <<<< $PSItem.fullname) -join “`n”
  • CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:slight_smile: [Get-Content], ParameterBindingValidationException
  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetContentC

Name : Content
Value :

Name : Name
Value :


after changing $PSItem.fullname

<hr />

PS C:\users\baneswar\Desktop> .\fileread.ps1

Name : Content
Value : sdgdggasdg#$,;
hfile =ffeefwe

cd users

Name : Name
Value :


Thanks and Regards,

Baneswar Koley

Hello Mr Wes Stahler,

I am taking the opportunity to learn from your answer/solution to this post, so I creatd just 5 simple TXT files with about 4 short lines each. Then I copied your code exactly “as is” and ran it (inside ISE). I verified that the Get-Child statement worked fine: returning the list of 5 file names. Then I got the error message:

cmdlet ForEach-Object at command pipeline position 2
Supply values for the following parameters:

I must be missing a fundamental Powershell principle of operation or syntax.

Would be grateful if you can shed some light or give some quick tip/pointers.

Many thanks,

Ramon Tan


I suspect it is just a formatting issue. Post your code, I will take a look. You will see that error if the -Process is omitted (like below).


Get-ChildItem C:\TEMP -Filter *.csv | ForEach-Object -Begin {}



@bace ,$PSItem was introduced in Version 3.0 and make sure you have files in the irectory.

Hello Mr Wes Stahler,

Here is my code. My comments appear after all the code listed between the pre’s:

$files = 'C:\Users\XXC\Documents\Tdata\TestTxtFiles\'

Get-ChildItem -Path $files |

Foreach-object -Begin { $obj = @() }

-Process {
$content = (Get-Content -Path $PSItem.fullname) -join "`n"

$obj += [pscustomobject] @{
Name = $PSItem.Name
Content = $content
-End { $obj | Format-List }

There are no “back tick” characters except after the word ‘join’ followed by double-quote.

The only Pipe symbol (Vertical line) is after the Get-Childitem -path $files statement.

My sincerest gratitude for your willingness to assist.

Thanks in advance.


Keep the -Process parameter in the same line. You can have the first flower brace in the same line and the next in another line.

Get-ChildItem -Path c:\test |
Foreach-object -Begin { $obj = @() } -Process {
# your code

Happy to help Ramon!

Looks like formatting. Keep the closing bracket for the begin and the -Process on the same line.
-begin {$obj=@()} -Process { Your code… }
-begin { $obj=@() } -Process {
“Your code”

Dear Messrs. KvPrasoon, Stahler,

My sincerest thanks once again to you both.

By moving the [-Process] up to the line as [-Begin], and also

the [-End] up to the line ending with the curly bracket, everything worked.

I am still unclear on how these params and curly brackets are supposed to work.

I had this similar experience once before with [Foreach] with the curly brackets.

Is there some quick written documentation/explanation of the syntactic principles governing Powershell statements and parameters and how they “cross line borders”? I hope so, I’ll do some searching and read up further with the books on PS. I have avoided the back tick as the “continuation” symbol because it is too tiny to be noticed – only makes the code harder to read and debug. Most books advise against its use, unless absolutely necessary … if I remember correctly.

This post has been extremely educational for me. I am highly grateful for your assistance.




I would start with the builtin help.
Get-Help ForEach-Object -Online