Array parse data

by todd.gallina at 2012-11-01 11:36:26

I have a short script that would parse files by name. The script works with gci -filter "some filename"; however, what I will have to use will be an array’s - due to the amount of files created. Certain machines create the file name by a prefix 108701 , 108702 etc etc. The last part of my code $files = gci $source is what I would like looked at.

Kind regards,


#script to parse files into the proper folders

$source ="\\baunhof"

$destination ="\\TestFolder1\"

#array for all destinations
$destination_array=@("$destination", "$destination1", "$destination2")

#creates folder yyyy/mm/dd
#$today = (Get-date -format yyyy/MM/dd)
#new-item -type directory ($today)
$DTS = ( get-date ).ToString('yyyy/MM/dd')

#array name for value of files
$file_array2=@{"9HP48"=109401, 1094080, 1094090}
$file_array3=@{"9HP48X"=109402, 1094081, 1094091, 1094082, 1094092}

# if statement checks if $destination_array[0] is false then new item
$destination_array[0] = "\\TestFolder1\today"
If (!(Test-Path -path $destination_array[0]))
{new-item -type directory "\\TestFolder1$DTS"}

$destination_array[1] = "\\TestFolder2\today"
If (!(Test-Path -path $destination_array[1]))
{new-item -type directory "\\TestFolder2$DTS"}

$destination_array[2] = "\\TestFolder3\today"
If (!(Test-Path -path $destination_array[2]))
{new-item -type directory "\\TestFolder3$DTS"}

#change value of array
remove-item variable:$destination_array

$destination_array=@("$destination", "$destination1", "$destination2")

# filter works below - need to use array

#$files = get-childitem $source -filter "108701*" -recurse
#foreach ($file in $files)
#{move-item $file.fullname $destination_array[0] -force}

$files = gci $source .
if ($files -match $file_array)
{move-item $file.fullname $destination_array[0] -force}

echo $destination_array[0]
echo $destination_array[1]
echo $destination_array[2]
echo $files

by DonJ at 2012-11-01 13:36:12
I’m sorry - can you be a bit more specific about what exactly isn’t working for you? I’m not following what this is trying to do, or where it’s failing you.
by nohandle at 2012-11-02 04:21:31
that produces hash table not an array
-match accepts the argument as string (regex), hashtable converted to string produces
this produces true
"System.Collections.Hashtable" -match $file_array

so the condition is imho wrong.
if ($files -match $file_array)
{move-item $file.fullname $destination_array[0] -force}

even if you had a proper array in the $file_array you still would have to convert it to proper regex syntax
if ($files -match "$($file_array -join '|')") {}
by todd.gallina at 2012-11-02 13:05:50
I have a short script that would parse files by name. The script works with gci -filter "some filename"; however, what I will have to use will be an array’s - due to the amount of files created. Certain machines create the file name by a prefix 108701 , 108702 etc etc. The last part of my code $files = gci $source is what I would like looked at.

Kind regards,


#script to parse files into the proper folders

$source ="\\baunhof"

$destination ="\\TestFolder1\"

#array for all destinations
$destination_array=@("$destination", "$destination1", "$destination2")

#creates folder yyyy/mm/dd
#$today = (Get-date -format yyyy/MM/dd)
#new-item -type directory ($today)
$DTS = ( get-date ).ToString('yyyy/MM/dd')

#array name for value of files
$file_array2=@{"9HP48"=109401, 1094080, 1094090}
$file_array3=@{"9HP48X"=109402, 1094081, 1094091, 1094082, 1094092}

# if statement checks if $destination_array[0] is false then new item
$destination_array[0] = "\\TestFolder1\today"
If (!(Test-Path -path $destination_array[0]))
{new-item -type directory "\\TestFolder1$DTS"}

$destination_array[1] = "\\TestFolder2\today"
If (!(Test-Path -path $destination_array[1]))
{new-item -type directory "\\TestFolder2$DTS"}

$destination_array[2] = "\\TestFolder3\today"
If (!(Test-Path -path $destination_array[2]))
{new-item -type directory "\\TestFolder3$DTS"}

#change value of array
remove-item variable:$destination_array

$destination_array=@("$destination", "$destination1", "$destination2")

# filter works below - need to use array

#$files = get-childitem $source -filter "108701*" -recurse
#foreach ($file in $files)
#{move-item $file.fullname $destination_array[0] -force}

$files = gci $source .
if ($files -match $file_array)
{move-item $file.fullname $destination_array[0] -force}

echo $destination_array[0]
echo $destination_array[1]
echo $destination_array[2]
echo $files

[/quote][/quote]If someone could show how to take the value’s in the hash table and move any file that matches that value to another destination? Using a -filter works on the section that is commented out; however, I would prefer to use a hashtable that is listed above on the code. /quote]