Are Optional Parameters for Methods supported in Powershell 5 Classes

I’m playing around with the latest WMF 5 build doing fun stuff with classes, and I ran across a situation where I’d like to use optional parameters instead of creating a bunch of overloads. I can’t find much about this topic either online or in the about_classes help file. Also I’m not a real developer so I could be thinking about this all wrong. This C# reference mentions the use of optional arguments to a method, which I think is what I’d like to do with powershell:

Basically I have a class IB_DNSARecord with a method Get:


This will get the DNS A record that matches that name exactly. Another option would be to do a search that matches any record that is similar rather than exact, and ideally I’d like to do it like this:


where the third parameter determines whether or not to do a strict search (True would be the default if not specified). Currently this blows up on me, so it seems like I’d have to do an overload for it and re-use a bunch of code.

Any ideas?

Not yet, but I believe that’s on their list of things to add (and the parser already supports the syntax for assigning values to parameters, which is a bit confusing at this point since the rest of the functionality isn’t implemented yet.)

That explains it, thanks. So if default parameter values don’t actually work yet that explains the error I get when trying the overload route. thanks!

Should I go put feedback on connect or something or is that already in their to do list?

Pretty sure it’s already on their to-do list. However, in the meantime, you can always fall back on the old .NET 2.0 way of accomplishing this without too much duplicate code:

class IB_DNSARecord
    static [IB_DNSARecord] Get([object] $GridMaster, [pscredential] $Credential, [bool] $Strict)
        # do stuff

    static [IB_DNSARecord] Get([object] $GridMaster, [pscredential] $Credential)
        return [IB_DNSARecord]::Get($GridMaster, $Credential, $false)

That works great, thanks!

I also learned if you leave out a parameter you can create a method calling loop and crash the ISE…