API Power BI - How to retrieve the workspace id and store it in a variable for reuse?


How to retrieve the workspace id and store it in a variable for reuse ?

For exemple : I create a workspace with this command (New-PowerBIWorkspace -Name “ADO DEV”)

Then I want to add a user to this workspace with this command (Add-PowerBIWorkspaceUser -Id … -UserEmailAddress … -AccessRight Admin), however I need the workspace Id to add a user.

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From the (not very detailed documentation) New-PowerBIWorkspace returns an object. So can you find the ID by doing this?

$workspace = New-PowerBIWorkspace -Name 'ADO DEV'
$workspace | Get-Member

If it includes the ID as part of the returned object, and assuming it’s called Id you can do this:

$workspace = New-PowerBIWorkspace -Name 'ADO DEV'
Add-PowerBIWorkspaceUser -Id $workspace.Id -UserEmailAddress ...
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