I need to get computer objects from particular AD OU and import them into multiple (two) security groups. This of course works for a single security group, but not sure how to do multiple groups.
I need to get computer objects from particular AD OU and import them into multiple (two) security groups. This of course works for a single security group, but not sure how to do multiple groups.
Did you try to search for it? There are literally thousands of examples all over the internet and probrably even hundreds here in this forum. Take a look at the cmdlet Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership and read the complete help including the examples, please.
I have searched. Everything I find is for adding the systems in an OU to one group not multiple groups. I am willing to accept that I can’t find the answer at this point and this is the reason I posted the question here. Either way I will keep looking. Thank you for your reply.
Did you read the help in the link I posted?
Yes I got it now. Took me a minute. I think I was confused on the difference between add-adprincipalgroupmembership vs add-adgroupmember. Thank you again for your help.
I’m glad it helped. If you need more help - come back.