We’re in the process of identifying all of our users who are still on Windows XP. I have been given a csv file of about 958 users. It contains their SAMAccountName and workstation names. To make our desktop support team’s job easier, I’m trying to output a CSV that retains the workstation names as well as their full name (get-aduser -properties Name) and their location, which is stored in an extended attribute in AD (ExtensionAttribute1). The end result would need to be a CSV that contains the workstation and SAMAccount Names which we already have, and the additional FullName and Location (EA1) properties.
I’m kind of at a loss on where to start. Would I need to create a custom array and then a custom object? These are two areas that I’m a little weak in, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Something vaguely like that. You can access the current columns via $, e.g., "$user = Get-ADUser -Identity $.samaccountname" if the current CSV has a samaccountname column. Import-CSV brings in the CSV as objects, Add-Member adds properties to those objects, and Export-CSV writes the revised objects back to a CSV.