add text to colum in sql database

Hi Guys,

I would like to put some information in a collum of a sql databases. The following information i got:

Sqlserver 2012SQL1
Databasename DB1
Table DBO.User

In the DBO.user is a field where i want to add some numbers. I would like to find an emailadress and then add text to a different collum lets say the the name of that is numbers.

Could you help where to start please?

King Regards

I can show you the code for executing a SQL query - it’s also in our free book on making trend and historical reports. The actual .NET Framework code is pretty simple, and if you have the SQL Server module it’s even easier - just run Invoke-SQL.

You’ll need to know how to write a T-SQL query, but that’s not really a PowerShell question at that point. The aforementioned book does have some query language examples. There are also tons of online references for SQL queries.

Thanks Don, will look into the documentation.