Add extra rows to CSV under same columns for summary

Hello everyone,

I am trying to add extra rows to my csv file. I have some data in csv file that i export first then import back the csv and some extra rows ( i do some calculations to just show summary but some reason i am only seeing single row not multiple as i expect;

Here is my script;

#File Location and Create an array
$response_file = @()

####################### # Get-VM Information # Get-Folder "CustomerName" | Get-VM | ` ForEach-Object { $VM = $_ $VMview = $VM | Get-View $Report = "" | Select-Object VMName,VMFQDN,NumCpu,MemoryGB,ProvisionedSpaceGB,ClusterName,ESXHostName $Report.VMName = $ $Report.ProvisionedSpaceGB = $VM.ProvisionedSpaceGB $Report.ESXHostName = $VM.VMHost $Report.ClusterName = ($VM | Get-Cluster).Name $Report.MemoryGB = $VM.MemoryGB $Report.NumCpu = $VM.NumCpu $Report.VMFQDN = $VMview.Guest.hostname $Response_file += $Report $Response_file } #Export the csv file $Response_file | sort -Property VMName | Export-csv "$filelocation" -NoTypeInformation

#Import the csv file
$csv= import-csv “$filelocation”
#Create variables and calculate it
$TotalVMs = $csv.VMName | measure-object -Maximum
$Numcpu = $csv.Numcpu | measure-object -sum
$MemoryTotalGB = $csv.MemoryGB | measure-object -sum
$ProvisionedSpaceGB = $csv.ProvisionedSpaceGB | measure-object -sum
#Create PS Object
$object = New-Object PSObject
$object | Add-Member -Name VMName -Value “Virtual Machines” -MemberType NoteProperty
$object | Add-Member -Name VMName -Value “CPU Consumed vCPU” -MemberType NoteProperty
$object | Add-Member -Name VMName -Value “Memory Consumed (GB)” -MemberType NoteProperty
$object | Add-Member -Name VMName -Value “Storage Consumed TB” -MemberType NoteProperty
$object | Add-Member -Name VMFQDN -Value ($TotalVMs).count -MemberType NoteProperty
$object | Add-Member -Name VMFQDN -Value $Numcpu.sum -MemberType NoteProperty
$object | Add-Member -Name VMFQDN -Value $MemoryTotalGB.sum -MemberType NoteProperty
$object | Add-Member -Name VMFQDN -Value $ProvisionedSpaceGB.sum -MemberType NoteProperty
$object | Export-Csv “$filelocation” -Append -Force



The results i am getting;

My Server01,Myserver01.FQDN,OtherValues
My Server02,Myserver02.FQDN,OtherValues
StorageConsumedTB, 15563.1

Seems like only single row gets added rather than multiple rows;
What i would like to see is;

My Server01,Myserver01.FQDN,OtherValues
My Server02,Myserver02.FQDN,OtherValues
Virtual Machines, 2
CPU Consumed vCPU, 48
Memory Consumed (GB), 920
StorageConsumedTB, 15563.1

is there a better and correct way to do this?

Thank you.


Looks like what you are trying to make is not a standard csv because the summary data does not align with the column headers. You can certainly make a file like this but if you imported after the summary rows would look like additional servers. With that being said, if you have to make your file this way, I would only do one export at the end.

$TotalVMs = $ResponseFile.VMName | measure-object -Maximum
$Numcpu = $ResponseFile.Numcpu | measure-object -sum
$MemoryTotalGB = $ResponseFile.MemoryGB | measure-object -sum
$ProvisionedSpaceGB = $FesponstFile.ProvisionedSpaceGB | measure-object -sum

$ResponseFile = $ResponseFile | Sort-Object -Property "VMName"
$ResponseFile += "Virtual Machines, $TotalVMs"
$ResponseFile += "Total CPUs $Numcpu"
#continue adding summary data as new elements of the array (rows)

$ResponseFile | Export-Csv $filelocation -NoTypeInformation


thank you for the recommendation Mike R. It looks like when i continue to adding summary data it is not populating. am i missing something?

Virtual Machines, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GenericObjectMeasureInfo.count
CPU Consumed vCPU Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GenericMeasureInfo.sum
Memory Consumed (GB) Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GenericMeasureInfo.sum
Storage Consumed TB Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GenericMeasureInfo.sum


Here is the latest script;

#File Location and Create an array
$response_file = @()


Get-VM Information

Get-Folder “myCustomer” | Get-VM | `
ForEach-Object {
$VM = $_
$VMview = $VM | Get-View
$Report = “” | Select-Object VMName,VMFQDN,NumCpu,MemoryGB,ProvisionedSpaceGB,ClusterName,ESXHostName
$Report.VMName = $
$Report.ProvisionedSpaceGB = $VM.ProvisionedSpaceGB
$Report.ESXHostName = $VM.VMHost
$Report.ClusterName = ($VM | Get-Cluster).Name
$Report.MemoryGB = $VM.MemoryGB
$Report.NumCpu = $VM.NumCpu
$Report.VMFQDN = $VMview.Guest.hostname
$Response_file += $Report

$TotalVMs = $Response_file.VMName | measure-object -Maximum
$Numcpu = $Response_file.Numcpu | measure-object -sum
$MemoryTotalGB = $Response_file.MemoryGB | measure-object -sum
$ProvisionedSpaceGB = $Response_file.ProvisionedSpaceGB | measure-object -sum

#$Response_file = $Response_file | Sort-Object -Property “VMName”
$Response_file += “Virtual Machines, $TotalVMs.count”
$Response_file += “CPU Consumed vCPU $Numcpu.sum”
$Response_file += “Memory Consumed (GB) $MemoryTotalGB.sum”
$Response_file += “Storage Consumed TB $ProvisionedSpaceGB.sum”
#continue adding summary data as new elements of the array (rows)

$Response_file | Export-Csv $filelocation -NoTypeInformation


Thank you.






To interpolate a string with a variable you can’t use the “.” operator. So you’ll have to change the way you create the string. Instead of

$Response_file += “Virtual Machines, $TotalVMs.count”

You’ll have to

$Response_file += “Virtual Machines, $($TotalVMs.count)”


$Response_file += “Virtual Machines, {0}” -f $TotalVMs.count


Thank you, i am getting closer. Now i can see the summary values with this ($Response_file +=Virtual Machines, $($TotalVMs.count)”) such as;

Virtual Machines, 9
CPU Consumed vCPU 112
Memory Consumed (GB) 280
Storage Consumed TB 16582.0547842151

but it is not getting added to end of csv file; Wondering if export-csv does not like it its because it is not uniform values? no errors on the script side. Any ideas?

Thank you again.


I’m not sure why it wouldn’t add it to the end of the file. For troubleshooting you might want to check the value of the $Response_file variable on the host to see if it has those rows. If so and you’re right that Export-Csv just isn’t working like I think it should, you can simply force it with add-content after the Export-Csv.

Add-Content -Value "Virtual Machines, $($TotalVMs.count)`n" -Path $filelocation


Add-Member or using Select-Object to create blank object are not very efficient ways to generate objects. Using Powershell v3 and above has the [pscustombject] accelerator. Adding total counts to every row is a bit confusing as normally you calculated something per row, not per object. If I was reading a report I would think there would be TotalX per that VM, not for all of the VMs. However, if you want to add it to the report, use Select-Object or another [pscustomobject] to append the rows. Below is using Select-Object with splatting:


$report = Get-Folder “myCustomer” | Get-VM | ForEach-Object {
    $VM = $_
    $VMview = $VM | Get-View
    #New-Object -TypeName PSObject accelerator
    [pscustomobject] @{
        VMName             = $
        VMFQDN             = $VMview.Guest.hostname
        NumCpu             = $VM.NumCpu
        MemoryGB           = $VM.MemoryGB
        ProvisionedSpaceGB = $VM.ProvisionedSpaceGB
        ClusterName        = ($VM | Get-Cluster).Name
        ESXHostName        = $VM.VMHost

$Response_file = $report |
                 Select-Object -Property  *,
                                          @{Name='TotalVms';Expression={($Report.VMName | measure-object -Maximum).Count}},
                                          @{Name='TotalCpus';Expression={($Report.Numcpu | measure-object -sum).Sum}},
                                          @{Name='TotalMemoryGb';Expression={($Report.VMName | measure-object -Maximum).Sum}},
                                          @{Name='TotalProvSpaceGb';Expression={($Report.ProvisionedSpaceGB | measure-object -sum).Sum}}

$Response_file | Export-Csv $filelocation -NoTypeInformation