Add Col to result format-table

by staggerlee011 at 2013-03-20 01:48:30

hi all,

So im gather a bunch of a data and formatting it in a table. Id like to add a column which has the date but i cant work out how to put the date in the each row, when i try it addds a column header with the date instead (Makes sense why, but not sure how to get around it!)

hope someone can help…

Example of what im trying:

$date = get-date -format yyyyMMdd

$db | select-object $date, parent, name, size, spaceavailable | ft
by Klaas at 2013-03-20 02:07:36
I think it should work like this:
$db | select-object @{l='date';e={$date}}, parent, name, size, spaceavailable | ft
by staggerlee011 at 2013-03-20 02:12:30
perfect! thank you…

I was just reading about expressions and though i was on to something…

i thought it said you had to use it for everythign to work though… so i had

$date = get-date -format yyyyMMdd

$db | select-object
."spaceavailable"}} | ft -AutoSize

strangely toke it out of table format and back into form…

thanks :slight_smile: