I am very newbie for powershell. I have found a lot of scipts on the net, where users get a mail before their password will expire.
What I look for is a script that mail specific user fx. 7 days before it will expire. It is only must work for about 5 people, so it should not generate mail to all ad users
I have found the following script, where I tried to create an array for more users.
I don´t know if any can help me. As I wrote, I am newbie in powershell. So if any has any comments or maybe a link to a script I can use
Please Configure the following variables…
$expireindays = 10
$from = "Company Administrator "
$logging = “Enabled” # Set to Disabled to Disable Logging
$logFile = “c:\utils\myloc.csv” # ie. c:\mylog.csv
$testing = “Enabled” # Set to Disabled to Email Users
$testRecipient = “test@mail.com”
$date = Get-Date -format ddMMyyyy
Check Logging Settings
if (($logging) -eq “Enabled”)
# Test Log File Path
$logfilePath = (Test-Path $logFile)
if (($logFilePath) -ne “True”)
# Create CSV File and Headers
New-Item $logfile -ItemType File
Add-Content $logfile “Date,Name,EmailAddress,DaystoExpire,ExpiresOn”
} # End Logging Check
Get Users From AD who are Enabled, Passwords Expire and are Not Currently Expired
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$array = @(firstname lastname (initials)')
$users = ($array | Foreach-Object { Get-ADUser -Filter { name -eq $_ } -Properties GivenName, sn, PasswordExpired, PasswordLastSet, PasswordneverExpires, LastLogonDate |
where { $.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false } |
where { $.passwordexpired -eq $false } })
Process Each User for Password Expiry
foreach ($user in $users)
Write-Output “— $($user.name) —”
$Name = $user.Name
$emailaddress = $user.emailaddress
$passwordSetDate = $user.PasswordLastSet
$PasswordPol = (Get-AduserResultantPasswordPolicy $user)
# Check for Fine Grained Password
if (($PasswordPol) -ne $null)
$maxPasswordAge = ($PasswordPol).MaxPasswordAge
# No FGP set to Domain Default
$maxPasswordAge = $DefaultmaxPasswordAge
$Expiration = $passwordsetdate + $maxPasswordAge
$today = (get-date)
$daystoexpire = (New-TimeSpan -Start $today -End $Expireson).Days
# Set Greeting based on Number of Days to Expiry.
# Check Number of Days to Expiry
$messageDays = $daystoexpire
if (($messageDays) -ge "1")
$messageDays = "in " + "$daystoexpire" + " days."
$messageDays = "today."
# Email Subject Set Here
$subject="Your password will expire $messageDays"
# Email Body Set Here, Note You can use HTML, including Images.
$body ="
Dear $name,
Your Password will expire $messageDays.
To change your password on a PC press CTRL ALT Delete and chose Change Password
# If Testing Is Enabled - Email Administrator
if (($testing) -eq "Enabled")
$emailaddress = $testRecipient
} # End Testing
# If a user has no email address listed
if (($emailaddress) -eq $null)
$emailaddress = $testRecipient
}# End No Valid Email
# Send Email Message
if (($daystoexpire -ge "0") -and ($daystoexpire -lt $expireindays))
# If Logging is Enabled Log Details
if (($logging) -eq "Enabled")
Add-Content $logfile "$date,$Name,$emailaddress,$daystoExpire,$expireson"
# Send Email Message
Send-Mailmessage -smtpServer $smtpServer -from $from -to $emailaddress -subject $subject -body $body -bodyasHTML -priority High
} # End Send Message
} # End User Processing