Active Directory Account Expiration Notification to Managers

Active Directory Account Expiration Notification to Managers

Hello script gurus - I wanted to send an automatic email notification to managers pertaining to their contractors that has an end date on their AD accounts. The script that I found had most of the features I’m looking for. However need assistance on how to add the following into the script.

  • Add additional message into the body of the email.

Thank you for your time and appreciate any assistance!


Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties directReports,EmailAddress | ForEach {

$body = @()

If ($_.directReports) {

$managerEmailAddress = $_.EmailAddress

$_.directReports | ForEach {

$userDetails = Get-ADUser $_ -Properties AccountExpirationDate

If ( $userDetails.AccountExpirationDate ) {

If ( $userDetails.AccountExpirationDate -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(30) ) {

$sendEmail = $true

$props = [ordered]@{
‘Account Expiration Date’=$userDetails.AccountExpirationDate

$body += New-Object PsObject -Property $props




If ($sendEmail) {

$body = $body | Out-String

Send-MailMessage -From ‘’ -To $managerEmailAddress -Subject ‘Account Expiration Report’ -Body $body -SmtpServer ‘


$sendEmail = $false


Generic check for users with no manager

$bodyNM = @()
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties AccountExpirationDate,Manager | ForEach {

If ( !$_.Manager ) {

If ( $_.AccountExpirationDate) {

If ($_.AccountExpirationDate -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(30) ) {

$sendEmailNM = $true

$propsNM = [ordered]@{
‘Account Expiration Date’=$

$bodyNM += New-Object PsObject -Property $propsNM





If ($sendEmailNM) {

$bodyNM = $bodyNM | Out-String
Send-MailMessage -From ‘’ -To ‘’ -Subject ‘Account Expiration Report’ -Body $bodyNM -SmtpServer ‘
