i have never construct a graph ,didn’t know how it work ,but i tried to constrcut it manually it work well
but i can’t add it with do untill
when i tried to construct like this it miss the edges in vertex .
i don’t really know how the graph work ,so any suggest?
graph class : minecraft-GPS/graph.class.ps1 at module · CN-CODEGOD/minecraft-GPS · GitHub
. $PSScriptRoot\gps.class.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\graph.class.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\bellman-ford.ps1
function graph {
param (
$roads=import-xml $PSScriptRoot\xml\roads.xml|Where-Object {$_.dimension -like $dimension}
$graph = New-Object Graph
$roadsqueue= New-Object System.Collections.Generic.Queue[object]
foreach ($road in $roads) {
do {
$startvertex = new-object vertex $dequeue
$endvertex =new-object vertex $_
$newedge = [edge]::new($startvertex,$endvertex,$weight)
} until (
$roadsqueue.Count -eq 0
c:> $graph.edges.Values.startvertex
value edges
----- -----
place {edge, edge, edge, edge鈥
place {edge, edge, edge, edge鈥
place {edge, edge, edge, edge鈥
place {edge, edge, edge, edge鈥
place {edge, edge, edge, edge鈥
road {}
road {}
road {}
road {}
road {}
road {}
road {}
road {}
road {}
road {}