Why is Get-MailDetailSpamReport returning only returning very recent results.

Howdy all,

I am wondering if someone can explain to me why Get-MailDetailSpamReport with specified dates is only returning very recent results.

The exact parameters that I am using are thus;

Get-MailDetailSpamReport -startdate 07/07/2019 -enddate 10/07/2019 | Export-CSV c:\temp"spam mail report.CSV" –NoTypeInformation -Encoding utf8

The issue is that the report generated has only Spam events from 09/27/2019 to 10/07/2019 so the last week and a half.

It does not matter if I change the start date to something farther back or nearer, it still only pulls data for the last week and a half.

Any guru’s out there have an idea why?

Thank you!
