Using Receive-SmigServerData in Powershell ISE

Hello Everybody,

I have a problem with PowerShell ISE when executing the command Receive-SmigServerData, i got a error message "The requested operation is not supported under this operating system Windows

Au caractère Ligne:3 : 1

  • Receive-SmigServerData
  •   + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation : (:) [Receive-SmigServerData], MigrationException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Migration.Commands.ReceiveSvrMigDataCommand

Can someone help me please. To be clear i want to create a script that he is going to accept to receive files and folders from a remote server.
what i can’t understand is that on my 2008R2 i can’t run under powershell ise the Send-SmigServerData without any problem but when i’m going on my 2012R2 server i can’t execute the Receive-SmigServerData command.

here is my script


Write-Host " création Secure String"

$password = Get-Content -Path “C:\scripts\password.txt”
$sec_password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force -String $password
$Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $sec_password

Write-Host “Ajout cmdlet migration serveur”
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Migration

Write-Host “reception dossiers, fichiers et partages”
Receive-SmigServerData -Password $sec_password

Write-Host “fin reception”

All yours answers can help me.

Thank you.

It looks like this cmdlet only exist on Server 2008 R2

hello, Thank for your answer
i don’t think so because i can’t execute it in powershell.exe under 2012r2, it only when i try to execute it as script.

no one has a key to this problem ?