Just looking for an easy way to pick from a list of our domain controllers. Managed to get so far, but the output shows in 1 column. It pulls the name and site info in one long list rather than site next to name in 2 columns.
Wondered if it was possible to have it in 2 columns. Also tried with listview form rather than out-gridview, but I’m getting the same issue.
function changedc {
$Config = ([adsi]"LDAP://rootdse").ConfigurationNamingContext
$dse = [adsi]"LDAP://$config"
$searcher = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher ($dse, "ObjectClass=nTDSDSA")
$searcher.findall() | ForEach-Object{ ([adsi]$_.path).parent } | foreach { ($_ -split 'CN=')[1] -replace ','}
$Config = ([adsi]"LDAP://rootdse").ConfigurationNamingContext
$dse = [adsi]"LDAP://$config"
$searcher = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher ($dse, "ObjectClass=nTDSDSA")
$searcher.findall() | ForEach-Object{ ([adsi]$_.path).parent } | foreach { ($_ -split 'CN=')[3] -replace ','}
changedc | Out-GridView
does something like this work for you? its not using the LDAP but the activedirectory module instead
$domain = get-addomain
$domaincontrollers = $domain.ReplicaDirectoryServers
$forest = Get-ADForest
$domaindetail = foreach ($domaincontroller in $domaincontrollers) {
$props = @{
'Domain Controller' = $domaincontroller
'Sites' = $forest.Sites
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
$domaindetail | Out-GridView
Thanks for that. Its pulling the sites information, but not the site info for each specific DC. Trying to get name dc1 site office1, dc2 office2 etc. So when a user
I think the issue is site isn’t an attribute. Not sure though.
oh yes i see.
Try this - problem is im testing where i only have a single site thats why bit tricky to get you exactly what you need. This might work
$domain = get-addomain
$domaincontrollers = $domain.ReplicaDirectoryServers
$forest = Get-ADForest
$domaindetail = foreach ($domaincontroller in $domaincontrollers) {
$props = @{
'Domain Controller' = $forest.DomainNamingMaster
'Sites' = $forest.Sites.Value
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
$domaindetail | Out-GridView
Still same. Comes out as {Default-First-Site-Name,DC2,DC3,etc,etc}
Get-ADDomainController will get all of the information you need, including Site. Are you purposefully staying away from the AD tools or just haven’t gone there yet?
Get-ADDomainController -Filter *
The latter. Simple as that. Thank you
Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | Select-Object name,site | out-gridview -title “Change Domain Controller” -PassThru
Ah easy - totally missed that cmdlet get-addomaincontroller
There are some fun parameters with Get-ADDomainController too. If you’re looking for the closest domain controller to the computer you’re running the script from:
Get-ADDomainController -Discover -Domain yourdomain.com