Try Catch on Changing AD Password

I have been banging my head on this one and I just do not see my error.

Essentially, I created a CMDLET that is part of a CMDLET module which will allow our technicians to quickly change a users password without having to go into AD.

I want to Catch the error from an invoke-command statement to show what the user did wrong…for instance, if the password does not adhere to the DC’s password complexity policy.

I shaved the cmdlet to show the problem. Here is the cmdlet that is part of a bigger CMDLet Module.

Get-TPAdminLogin is a cmdlet that grabs a domain admin account which then requires authentication and then assigns credentials to the $TPCred variable used in the Invoke-Command statement.


Function Set-TPADpassword
$Login = 'tptest3'
$pwd1 = Read-Host -Prompt "Provide New Password" -AsSecureString

Invoke-Command -ComputerName -ScriptBlock { Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity $Using:Login -Reset -NewPassword $Using:pwd1 } -Credential $TPCred -ErrorAction Stop
Write-host "Invoke-command completed"
Write-output "Some Shit happened"
Write-Output $error[0].Exception

The problem is that Write-Output $error[0].Exception never writes to the Output stream. It is in fact there as illustrated below. I put a password that was too short but I only see 'Some Shit happened". If I manually enter in $error[0].Exception, I see the error it generated.

PS H:\> Set-TPADpassword
Provide New Password: ****
Some Shit happened
PS H:\> $error[0].exception
The password does not meet the length, complexity, or history requirement of the domain.
PS H:\>


Unable to replicate your issue, however, have you tried:

Write-Output $_.Exception

Rather than referencing element zero of the $error variable in your catch block?

Yes, that seemed to work. Wish I knew the ‘why’ of it.

S H:\> Set-TPADpassword tptest3
Provide New Password: ****
Confirm Password: ****
Some Shit happened with the password.
The password does not meet the length, complexity, or history requirement of the domain.
PS H:\>