Test-Path against JSON values


I have JSON below and I need to find out if all path in values exists on file system. What is most effective way to iterate through all the values? I need to return $false if any of the path does not exist.

$jsonArray = '[{"privateKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\key.pem"},
{"publicKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\cert.pem"},
{"publicKeyCALocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\ca.pem"}]'
$json = convertfrom-json $jsonArray
Test-path $json 

Of course there are several ways to do this. The below is just what I came up with.

    $jsonArray = '[{"privateKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\key.pem"},
    {"publicKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\cert.pem"},
    {"publicKeyCALocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\ca.pem"}]'

    ([regex]::Matches($jsonArray,'(?<=\").:\\[^\"]+(?=\")').Value) -replace '\\\\','\' `
    | ForEach { 
                If (Test-Path -Path $_)
                {"path $_ found"}
                Else {Write-Warning "Path $_ not found"}

    WARNING: Path C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\key.pem not found
    WARNING: Path C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\cert.pem not found
    WARNING: Path C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\ca.pem not found