What tells you that it isn’t working? E.g., have you monitored the remote process list and don’t see the process starting, or is it not installing whatever it is it’s meant to uninstall?
I am monitoring the remote workstation. It is right beside me. I do see a msiexec start up but does nothing. It almost seems as though the ArgumentList is not being passed correctly to the remote workstation. When I run this on my local machine, it works as it should.
OK, so the command is working, it just isn’t having the desired outcome. It’s entirely possible that the installer isn’t able to run without a user context - e.g., a full profile. That’s super-common in MSIs, and unfortunately there’s not a great way around it. The LCM doesn’t spin up a full user profile, and it’s very, very common for an MSI to want HKEY_CURRENT_USER to exist, along with the other bits of a user profile.
Windows is a multi-user operating system. The fact that you’re interactively logged into one session has nothing to do with whomever may be connected to other sessions. Remoting isn’t an “interactive” logon; it’s more like connecting to a file share.
Gotcha. Luckily the software I am uninstalling has a very basic file structure and is in only two places in the registry. Here is what I came up with that works. It’s somewhat crude but gets the job done.