Space reclaimer

Hi Guys,

I have found this Space reclaimer script on net, Its works fine, But I would like to generate more large file e.g 10 GB. I have changed the $ArraySize = 1024kb for 10 GB, but the script then fails. Any advise ?

param (
[string] $FilePath,
[string] $LogFile,
[int] $CycleWait

Function DispMessage ([string] $Message) {
[string] $DateStamp = get-date -format “yyyy-MM-dd”
Write-Host “[$DateStamp] $Message”
Add-Content $LogFile “[$DateStamp] $Message”

Function SleepWait ([string] $Sleeptime) {
sleep $Sleeptime
DispMessage " –> Sleeping $Sleeptime sec"

$LogFile = “C:\temp\NimbleFastReclaim.log”
$FilePrefix = “NimbleFastReclaim”
$FileExt = “.tmp”

If ($FilePath -eq “”) {
Write-Host "- Filepath "
Write-Host “- LogFile (DEFAULT=$LogFile)”
Write-Host “- CycleWait(s) (DEFAULT=0)”
Exit 1
If ($FilePath.substring($FilePath.length - 1, 1) -ne "") {
$FilePath = $FilePath + ""
$ArraySize = 1024kb
$WriteLoops = 1024
DispMessage "–> Starting Reclaim on $Filepath … "
DispMessage “–> Cycle Sleep = $CycleWait sec”
DispMessage “–> File Size = $($ArraySize*$WriteLoops/1024/1024) MB”
$SourceFile = “$($FilePath)$($FilePrefix)0$($FileExt)”

Try {
DispMessage " –>Writing $SourceFile"
$ZeroArray= new-object byte
$Stream= [io.File]::OpenWrite($SourceFile)
For ($i=1; $i -le $WriteLoops; $i++) {
$Stream.Write($ZeroArray,0, $ZeroArray.Length)
$copyidx = 1
while ((gwmi win32_volume | where {$.name -eq “$FilePath”}).Freespace -gt 102410241024) {
$TargetFile = “$($FilePath)$($FilePrefix)$($copyidx)$($FileExt)”
DispMessage " –> Writing $TargetFile"
cmd /c copy $SourceFile $TargetFile
$copyidx = $copyidx + 1
If ($CycleWait -gt 0) {
SleepWait $CycleWait
DispMessage “–> Reclaim Complete. Cleaning up…”
Remove-Item “$($FilePath)$($FilePrefix)$($FileExt)"
DispMessage "–> DONE! Zerod out $($copyidx
$ArraySize/1024/1024) GB”
Catch {
DispMessage “##> Reclaim Failed. Cleaning up…”
Remove-Item “$($FilePath)$($FilePrefix)*$($FileExt)”
$ex = $
Dispmessage “##Error: SQL Connection Check failed” $true
Dispmessage $ex.message $true
$ex = $ex.InnerException
while ($ex.InnerException)
Dispmessage $ex.InnerException.message $true
$ex = $ex.InnerException
Exit 1

Well, rather than posting the script that works, it might be helpful to see the script that isn’t working :).

You’ve essentially asked us to guess what’s wrong with your invisible script. For instance there is a space in the text of your message above between the 10 and the GB. But we don’t know how it is in your script since you didn’t show us. Also it would have been helpful to list any error messages. “… the script then fails” doesn’t give us anything to go on.