Simple loop with counting backwards

First of all: Happy new year 2022 retroactively!

My question:
I have a simple loop:

Clear host
$example = 5
$data = " is OK Output: "
for($i = $example; $i -gt 0; $i--)
	write-host $i$data
5 is OK Output:
4 is OK Output:
3 is OK Output:
2 is OK Output:
1 is OK Output:

And a second loop:

$example = 5
$number1 = 25
for($i = $example; $i -gt 0; $i--)
	$number1 - 5 * $i

How do you get this output with one loop?

5 is OK Output: 20
4 is OK Output: 15
3 is OK Output: 10
2 is OK Output: 5
1 is OK Output: 0

Unfortunately I can’t find the solution, and I hope someone can please help me. Thank you.

$example = 5
for ($i = $example; $i -gt 0; $i--) {
    '{0} is OK Output: {1}' -f $i, (($i * 5) - 5)
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Wonderful Olaf.
I have tried a lot unfortunately with no result. Thanks again and a nice day.