SCCM (WinPE) move progress bar

Not sure if anyone can help or if its possible but its driving me crazy !

I’m trying to move the position of the progress bar in sccm on provisioning.

I’ve connected to methods(?) like so:

$TSEnv = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$Progress = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TSprogressUI

Even by doing a get member i’m confused on what i can use to do this.

Can anyone help ?


With those older COM objects, if there isn’t a local Type Library, Get-Member can’t help much. The docs for the class are at, and there’s an article at you could look at. It’s a VBScript article, but the syntax is very similar. I also dug up Hiding the task sequence progress dialog box – The Microsoft Workplace Blog, which kind of shows a PowerShell translation of some of the original blog post.

And you haven’t “connected to methods;” you’ve instantiated an object. You’re now ready to read and set properties, and to call methods, to make it do stuff. :slight_smile:

Thank you Don for replying and so quickly ! A great honour to have you reply to one of my posts. I’m watching the “PowerShell in a month of lunches” videos. Great stuff for this newbie :slight_smile:

I need to understand more powershell, i’m at the playing stage. So i can change the position of the progress dialog window/box ?

I’ve no idea if you can control the position of the window or not. I suspect not, but you’d need to look through the documentation I linked to see what capabilities the component offers.

I’ll mention that playing with those old COM components isn’t going to help you understand PowerShell. You’re literally playing with technology from the 1990s. PowerShell can connect to it, but it’s like running “ping.exe” inside PowerShell. It’ll do it, but you’re not using PowerShell.

I understand that you probably need to do this for something at work, which is cool - and that’s why PowerShell lets you be so flexible. Just understand that the time and effort you’re putting into this dialog box won’t further your understanding of PowerShell… that’ll still be on your to-do list :).

Ok thanks Don. That’s helped me understand a bit. I guess I’m just plugging into these old objects. Back to the drawing board ! Wanted to try some cool things in the task sequence in SCCM using powershell.