by Yonderbox at 2012-11-28 10:47:11
I’m configuring RDS settings on Windows Server 2008 R2, using the RemoteDesktopServices module in Powershell mikefrobbins at 2012-11-28 21:07:23
I’m able to set everything except for disabling "Default to main client printer" redirection in Client Settings for RDP-tcp.
There doesn’t seem to be a reference to it in RDS:\rdsconfiguration\connections\rdp-tcp\RedirectionSettings.
I’ve configured it in the GUI, piped the settings to a file (in PS), changed the GUI settings, captured that, and compared them - no difference found.
I’m just wondering if anyone has set this successfully.
From what I can see, the ability to change that particular setting doesn’t exist when trying to set it via the RDS PSProvider:by Yonderbox at 2012-12-03 09:26:15
I started to say that it couldn’t be done in PowerShell, but that would just mean that I hadn’t figured it out yet.
You can set it through the registry:Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" -Name fForceClientLptDef -Value 0
1 in the registry is unchecked and 0 is checked. Checked and unchecked references what the setting looks like in the GUI. Make sure you do a "refresh" in the GUI for the setting change to show up. Simply closing and reopening the RDP-Tcp properties window doesn’t refresh it (took me a while to figure that out).
Thanks, Mike. MS has this weird habit of leaving little things dangling with scripting RDS.
The aim, for me, is to keep it all under the Powershell umbrella and the suggestion for diddling the registry was great.
It’s interesting that 1=unchecked and 0=checked - it dovetails with the settings’ purpose (disabling redirection for a thing), but is at odds with what you might expect.