Output variable values as separate rows in a column in a csv file

I need your help. It is a basic query where I am failing to get the right output. I am posting the relevant code from my powershell file.

I am outputting the variable using calculated property.


Output of $D is as follows in the last column of the .CSV File.

1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4

I want the output to be as follows in the last column.

$D1 = (Get-Content 'C:\1.DAT' | where {$_ -like "CurDefs*"}).Replace('CurDefs=','')
$D2 = (Get-Content 'C:\2.DAT' | where {$_ -like "CurDefs*"}).Replace('CurDefs=','')
$D3 = (Get-Content 'C:\3.DAT' | where {$_ -like "CurDefs*"}).Replace('CurDefs=','')
$D4 = (Get-Content 'C:\4.DAT' | where {$_ -like "CurDefs*"}).Replace('CurDefs=','')
$D = ($D1, $D2, $D3, $D4)

(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://xxx:xxxx/sepm/api/v1/computers -Headers $header).content | select-object -first 4 @{n="Computer";e={$_.computerName}}, @{n="Online";e={$_.onlineStatus -replace '1','YES' -replace '0','NO'}}, @{n="AV";e={$_.avEngineOnOff -replace '1','ON' -replace '0','OFF'}}, @{n="Firewall";e={$_.firewallOnOff -replace '1','ON' -replace '0','OFF'}}, @{n="Tamper_Protection";e={$_.tamperOnOff -replace '1','ON' -replace '0','OFF'}}, @{n="Last_Contact";e={[TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime([Datetime]'1/1/1970').AddMilliSeconds($_.lastUpdateTime)}}, @{n="Last_Scan";e={[TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime([Datetime]'1/1/1970').AddMilliSeconds($_.lastScanTime)}}, @{n="Last_Virus_Detection";e={[TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime([Datetime]'1/1/1970').AddMilliSeconds($_.lastVirusTime)}}, @{n="Agent_Version";e={$_.agentVersion}}, @{n="Definition";e={$D}} | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\1.csv' -NoTypeInformation -UseQuotes Never

You could use a nested loop or a kind of “counter” inside your expression definition in your calculated property for the property “Definition”.

BTW: You should do your self (and all others) a favor and add some line breaks to make your code easier to read.

[quote quote=234640]You could use a nested loop or a kind of “counter” inside your expression definition in your calculated property for the property “Definition“.

BTW: You should do your self (and all others) a favor and add some line breaks to make your code easier to read.


Thank you for your reply. Sorry for the messy code. I will make it clean.

Any example how can I use the nested loop or the counter which you are talking about inside the expression definition?

There is one thing which I need to do to make the code cleaner. I am converting the epoch time. I am using this in each expression.


I tried to put this into a variable and tried to call the expression in this format. {$variable[$._whatever]} but the output is empty. Therefore I am using the line to convert epoch time in each expression causing the code to look much bigger than actually it is. Any idea why the variable in expression of calculated property is not outputting the same result as when I use it manually?

I meant something like this:

$ID = 0
(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://xxx:xxxx/sepm/api/v1/computers -Headers $header).content |
Select-Object -first 4 |
ForEach-Object {
Online = $.onlineStatus -replace ‘1’, ‘YES’ -replace ‘0’, ‘NO’
AV = $
.avEngineOnOff -replace ‘1’, ‘ON’ -replace ‘0’, ‘OFF’
Firewall = $.firewallOnOff -replace ‘1’, ‘ON’ -replace ‘0’, ‘OFF’
Tamper_Protection = $
.tamperOnOff -replace ‘1’, ‘ON’ -replace ‘0’, ‘OFF’
Last_Contact = [TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime([Datetime]$.lastUpdateTime)
Last_Scan = [TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime([Datetime]$
Last_Virus_Detection = [TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime([Datetime]$.lastVirusTime)
Agent_Version = $
Definition = $D[$ID]
} |
Export-Csv -Path ‘C:\1.csv’ -NoTypeInformation -UseQuotes Never

[quote quote=234649]I meant something like this:

I can't thank you enough. You solved all my problems with a much cleaner code. :)