Odd behavior in Multidimensional Arrays


Nevermind. All I need to do is enclose them each in Parentheses. There went WAY too much time for something so simple. (Shame I don’t know how to delete this thread)


So, I have written a class with a 2 dimensional array member. It also has a member Method that combines two of these Grid classes. Here’s the weird bit – Powershell errors out when trying to reference the multidimensional array in the [Grid] class that is passed into the function.

class Grid {
   [system.management.automation.host.bufferCell[,]] $Cells
   [void] CombineGrid([Grid] $G) {

Here’s the bit where the problem occurs:

[void] CombineGrid ([Grid] $G){
   $This.Cells[$y,$x] = $This.NewGridCell($G.cells[$y,$x].character, ...
   #             ^                                   ^
   #  No error at this point, Referencing            |
   #  $This.cells                        Here it complains about a missing
   #                                   ']', as though it's a regular array.

Can anyone explain this to me? or how to get around the problem? I’m not sure how this could be. It’s not being compressed into Uni-dimensional array, since if I try to index into it as a normal array, I get the error “You cannot index into a 2 dimensional array with index [0].”

What am I missing?