Novice, copying files sequentially to SD card

Yes, it is FAT32. I tried several variations but no success.

BTW, why the Linux mention?

Thanks very much Olaf, studying that now. Appreciate your patient help.

Agreed. After much further work yesterday and today I now believe this is the crucial step when using File Explorer to get the original order reproduced on the SD card. ((Which of course is numerical order, as per my earlier screenshots.) That’s needed for my program to identify specifc MP3s. But the DFR Player software cares only about the order in which they were physically saved on the card. If the first two files placed happened (strangely) to be named 0099 and 0001 respectively and the player was given the instruction;

it would play 0099.mp3.

If I’m right, then I’ve plainly been over thinking it. I must have recently slipped into poor discipline and carelessly used copy/pasting.

Coming back to the thread, I’d still like to be able to do the copy with PowerShell. Given my source as

C:\Users\terry\Dropbox\Electronics\Arduino\SKETCHES\MY SKETCHES\PROJECTS_Arduino\TalkingTemp Proj\_MP3 _files\FromL-1

and SD destination as L:\

could you possibly edit the script to do the copy please?

Thanks again for your much appreciated help and patience.


It’s really not that hard … :man_shrugging:t3:

$Source = 'C:\Users\terry\Dropbox\Electronics\Arduino\SKETCHES\MY SKETCHES\PROJECTS_Arduino\TalkingTemp Proj\_MP3 _files\FromL-1'
$Destination = 'L:\'

Get-ChildItem -Path $Source -File | 
Sort-Object -Property Name |
ForEach-Object {
    Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $Destination -Verbose
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

I added a delay of 1 seconds between each copy job. If you don’t want that you may remove it or comment it out.

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Thanks Olaf, worked fine!

Cause I aint the sharpest knife in the drawer :slight_smile:
I thought you mentioned an MP3 Player which typically have a Linux backend.