Need help with looping a script

I have a script that searches the entire host for a specific application version # that’s < x.xx.x.

Once found the script deletes the file and replaces it with an updated on. The script I have works great but it stops running after replacing 1 file. Some hosts have more then 1 file that need to be replaced. Can someone help me figure out how to keep my script running until all files have been replaced with the new one?


# Path of New file to replace with

$NewFile = "$PSscriptRoot\log4j-core-2.17.1.jar"

$LogFile = "$PSscriptRoot\Log.txt"

# Default Path to copy files over

$destination = "c:\"

# Find path of log4j...jar files

$found = Get-ChildItem c:\ -Filter "log4j-core*.jar" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

if(!$found) {

    $found = Get-ChildItem D:\ -Filter "log4j-core*.jar" -Recurse  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue




    $destination = split-path   $found[0].FullName  -Parent

    "Deleting vulnerable .jar files found in $destination" | add-content $LogFile

    try {

        $found | % {    $DeleteFile = $_.FullName

                        if($DeleteFile -ne $NewFile)


                            Remove-Item $DeleteFile -Force



        "SUCCESS: Successfully deleted files" | Add-Content $LogFile




        "ERROR: Failed to delete files [$($Error[0].Exception.Message)]" | Add-Content $LogFile


} else {

    "Vulnerable log4j .jar files Not Found" | add-content $LogFile


"Copying over new file to $destination"   | Add-Content $LogFile

try {

    copy-item $NewFile $destination

    "SUCCESS: Successfully Copied New File to $destination" | Add-Content $LogFile



    "ERROR: Failed to copy New File in $destination" | Add-Content $LogFile
