Move SMTP addresses from distribution lists into a user's mailbox as alias


I have been advised on the Microsoft answers forum that moving the SMTP addresses from distribution lists in Exchange Online to a user’s mailbox as an alias could work just by deleting them from the DL and adding them as the alias on the user mailbox. There was a question mark as to whether or not further powershell scripting was required to complete the process properly.

Is additional powershell scripting required to migrate these SMTP addresses? Some of the distribution lists have a single SMTP address, other DL’s have multiple addresses, all is hosted online with O365.

Well, this is not a really a PowerShell code problem / issue, and that is what we are here to assist with. This is an operational question.

Anyway… As for …

There was a question mark as to whether or not further powershell scripting was required to complete the process properly.

…from all my experience in dealing with Exchange, that would be a no.