Invalid Enumeration Context with Get-ADGroupMember

I am using the following command to query the count of all security groups in our domain:

Get-ADGroup -Filter {name -notlike 'solution team iw'} | 
select name, @{n='Member Count' ; e= {(get-adgroupmember $_.samaccountname -recursive).count }} | 
export-csv C:\\adgroupmembercount.csv

However, the command fails on one group, Solution Team IW.
I am trying to exclude this group using the expression shown, but the command still returns the error “Invalid Enumeration Context”.
I’m guessing there’s a corrupt AD object. But I can’t remove this object as business operations depend on it.

I’ve tried specifying another domain controller, but no luck.

Any ideas on how you would workaround this issue?

Have you tried just running the initial Get command to confirm that the group is being excluded from the results?

Hi Greg,
Take a look at this article on Technet Wiki to see if it helps. I suspect, after looking at your code, you are running into this same issue.

You saved the day!

This article helped me understand the issue (and taught me a new skill along the way with using TCPView in conjunction with measure-command).

Ultimately, I was able to get the command to work by reducing the ResltPageSize from default 256 to a smaller number, 25.