I don't understand this behavior

In a module, I have the following function snippet:

function Get-InstalledSoftware {
	param (
		[string[]]$Computername = 'localhost'
	begin {
		Write-Verbose "Initiating the $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) function...";
		if ($Name) {
			## Allow asterisks in cmdlet but WQL requires percentage
			$Operator = @{ $true = 'LIKE'; $false = '=' }[$Name -match '\*']
			$Name = $Name | foreach { $_.Replace('*', '%') }
			$WhereQuery += "(ARPDisplayName $Operator '$($Name -join "' OR ARPDisplayName $Operator '")') "

I am passing the strings ‘name*’ and ‘name’ to the $Name param and $Operator is always null. I can recreate this in the console and it works as expected. If $Name has a * in it, $Operator is LIKE. If $name doesn’t have a * in it, $Operator is =.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

It looks like it has to do with your $Name parameter being a string array, while in the assignment of the $Operator variable it’s being treated as a string. If I change the param block to [string]$Name I get the correct result.

I’m guessing when you tested it in the console, you tried $Name = ‘name’ and not [string]$Name = ‘name’.

Yep, that was it. Thanks! Amazing how a couple of characters can screw you up. :slight_smile:

At least it didn’t cost you millions.
[url]The Typo That Destroyed a NASA Rocket

Ha, good point!