how do i use ALphafs move with progress info

I’m trying to utilize alphafs to do home folder moves (past experiences tells me my users will build too deep of file-paths)

i need to have progress indicators so we know how the process is progressing when we run.

i can successfully move directories with:
[Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::Move($old, $new)

the documentation for move with copyprogress is here but i can’t figure out how to call the function

does anyone have a working line of code for this in powershell? (unfortunately they don’t provide syntax for powershell usage in the docs)

The “CopyMoveProgressRoutine” parameter is expecting a callback function. I’m not certain if it’d work within PowerShell, since PowerShell functions aren’t indexed in memory the same way that a C# program would be. Someone a bit more familiar with the dev-heavy side of things may prove me wrong ;). It’s possible you could define a script block, and then pass that script block to the method parameter and have it work. But it’s definitely more than “a line of code.”

This is now possible with AlphaFS v2.2