
I’m lost as to what is desired here, or how to go about it.

Can someone help me out? I’m not doing something right with my joins.

From: supervisor
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 8:57 AM
Subject: Winter Waiver requirement

‘AND RCRAPP2_PELL_PGI = 201512’ is not a limiting factor in your population. That is the column that is needing to be displayed in your select clause.

Your joins still are not complete.


Amongst RCRAPP1 and RCRAPP2, share two additional columns.

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 8:52 AM
To: supervisor
Subject: RE: Winter Waiver requirement

I’m limiting my results too much. I’m coming up with no students when I use this AND statement:


And if I comment the statement out I get a ton.

select SPRIDEN_ID AS “Student ID Number”
– SPRIDEN_ID This field defines the identification number used to access person on-line.
from spriden
inner join rrrareq
on spriden_pidm=rrrareq_pidm
– RRRAREQ_TRACKING_CODE [VARCHAR(2)] TRACKING REQUIREMENTS CODE: The code associated with the tracking requirement.
– RRRAREQ_PERIOD: The period associated with the requirement. [VARCHAR(2)]
INNER JOIN rcrapp1
on rrrareq_pidm = rcrapp1_pidm
INNER JOIN rcrapp2
on rcrapp1_pidm = rcrapp2_pidm
–PELL SYSTEM PGI: The primary system Pell PGI [NUMBER(6,0)]
–supervisor instruction: For the Pell EFC you’ll use: RCRAPP2_PELL_PGI;

From: supervisor
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 8:38 AM
Subject: RE: Winter Waiver requirement

The Winter Waiver isn’t a requirement in the information being requested.
Waivers are grants that have no backing to them, they’re simply awards used to decrease the amount of money a student would need to pay; waivers are discount coupons, essentially.

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 8:35 AM
To: supervisor
Subject: Winter Waiver requirement

Can you elaborate on the “Winter Waiver” requirement.

Initial REQUEST:

From: user
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 11:14 AM
To: supervisor
Subject: List when you have a chance

List of students with 1STYAB on RRAAREQ for the term 201512 only
Include in the list the Pell EFC please.
I want to make sure they are awarded winter waiver if eligible.

This seems like a SQL request, not a powershell question.