HA using ARR for DSC on 8080 (https)

Hi Guys,

I am trying for several days (without luck) to configure HA using ARR for DSC (I was watching Jason Helmick talking about that at DevOps conference - niiiiiiceee :D).

Basically I got two servers https://DscServer1:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc and https://DscServer2:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc.

As you might already know, my target is to have one address, let’s say https://DscServer so it will nicely divide the traffic between these two DSC servers.

Can anyone please give me some advice on how this should be set up? I am close of loosing my mind, tried to configure it for several evenings - no luck.

Thanks for any help,

@Pawel, you can split partial configurations between different DSC servers. I’ve never heard of load balancing and/or HA DSC using 1 address to access 2 DSC pull servers.