Please can anyone help with developing a solution to my problem?
I have several CV sheets from different sources that I need to consolidate into one master sheet. I don’t need every column from every sheet.
So, for example, I have the following headings:
As you can see, all sheets will have a Computername. So I think I need as much info about a computer in one row. One problem is that each computer might host multiple applications. There will be an unknown number of applications so I can’t add a column for each one (Application1, Application2 etc.) So I will want one row for each application with duplicate computer information (I think).
So the result will look something like this:
Server1,W2K3,HP DL 380 G5,23456,DoSomething,12/03/2009,12/12/2015,Prod,Timbuktu,
Server1,W2K3,HP DL 380 G5,23987,DoSomethingDifferent,2/06/2010,12/12/2015,Prod,Timbuktu,
Server1,W2K3,HP DL 380 G5,17656,MakeitUp,23/08/2010,12/12/2015,Prod,Timbuktu,
Server2,W2K3,HP DL 380 G5,15894,MakeitUp,23/08/2010,12/12/2015,UAT,Tatooine,
Server3,W2K3,HP DL 385 G3,63636,CleverStuff,16/04/2010,12/12/2015,Prod,Tatooine,
I have started off by importing each csv and then have created a custom object with the column headings that I want. Like this:
#Import the sheet1 and modify the column headings removing all the spaces
$list1 = gc “C:\Users\thicko\Documents\Scripts\w2k3\Sheet1.csv” | Select -skip 1 | `
ConvertFrom-Csv -Header ‘ComputerName’,‘OS’,‘Model’,‘Colour’,‘Location’,
#Create the custom object
$Consol1 = @()
#Remove all non Windows hosts and add the columns required from this sheet
Foreach ($AllComp in $List1) {
If ($Allcomp.os -notmatch ‘Windows’) {
#verbose out for testing!
Write-Verbose “$($AllComp.ComputerName) is $($AllComp.OS)”
Else {
$obj1 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $obj1 -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Hostname' -Value $Allcomp.ComputerName
Add-Member -InputObject $obj1 -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Model' -Value $Allcomp.Model
Add-Member -InputObject $obj1 -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'OS' -Value $Allcomp.OS
$Consol1 += $obj1
#Import the sheet2 and modify the column headings removing all the spaces
$list2 = gc “C:\Users\thicko\Documents\Scripts\w2k3\Sheet2.csv” | Select -skip 1 | `
ConvertFrom-Csv -Header ‘Computername’,‘ApplicationID’,‘ApplicationName’,‘OS’
#Create the custom object
$Consol2 = @()
#Remove all non Windows hosts and add the columns required from this sheet
Foreach ($AllComp in $List2) {
If ($Allcomp.OS -notmatch ‘Windows’) {
#verbose out for testing!
Write-Verbose "$($AllComp.Computername) is $($AllComp.OS)"
Else {
$obj2 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $obj2 -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Computer name' -Value $Allcomp.Computername
Add-Member -InputObject $obj2 -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Application ID' -Value $Allcomp.ApplicationID
Add-Member -InputObject $obj2 -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Application Name' -Value $Allcomp.ApplicationName
$Consol2 += $obj2
#Now what to do with $Consol1 + $Consol2 to consolidate the information???!!!
Obviously I need to add the third sheet too. But what do I need to do now to consolidate the objects to give me a csv like my result?
Any help, greatly appreciated!