Getting top users by storage usage


I’ve got Fileserver on Windows 2012, i have a script that get info:

  1. Top-30 largest files
  2. Top-30 newest files

I need to get top-20 users that use more space on file storage then others.

Any ideas how to do it?

You could extend your script to show the top-20 users as well. :wink:

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Yeap, you;re right, here is my scripts:

$date=Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd
$table = @{Expression={$_.Owner};Label="Process Name";width=25}, `
@{Expression={$_.SizeMB};Label="Process ID";width=15}, `
@{Expression={$_.MainWindowTitle};Label="Window Title";width=40}
If (Test-Path '$dst') {New-Item $dst -type directory}
gci -r $src -ea 0 |  Select-Object FullName ,@{n='Owner';e={(Get-Acl $_.fullname).Owner}}, CreationTime, Length | sort Owner -desc  | foreach {
if ( $_.Owner -eq $a ) {$b=$b+$_.Length 
else {
 write-host $a , $b

I get list of users, sort it by owner and then on every string i take owner and compare it with previous Owner. If it’s the same, I summarize size. Else I write-host results.

It works ok, is it logically correct?

How can I add variables instaed of Write-Host to Table and export it to cvs?

OK … sorry when I don’t take your script and debug it. I think it’s more helpful when I show how I would try to accomplish what you asked for and you adapt it to your special needs.

$SharesRoot = ‘C:\shares\Sever Minerals\7.Marketing’

$SizeReport = Get-ChildItem -Path $SharesRoot -Directory |
ForEach-Object {
FolderName = $.Name
SizeInGB = [MATH]::Round((Get-ChildItem -Path $
.FullName -File -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Measure-Object -Property length -Sum).Sum /1MB, 2)
Owner = (Get-Acl $_.fullname).Owner
$SizeReport | Sort-Object -Property SizeInGB | Select-Object -First 20

I hope it will be enough inspiration for you. :wink: