by clovisc at 2012-12-10 07:07:55
Hi,by coderaven at 2012-12-17 12:04:59
I’m trying to do something similar to Autohotkey’s IfwinExist, which means I’m trying to run an action whenever a window of a certain type is opened.
I don’t really know how to go about it.
I tried creating an array that contains all open windows of the type I want, then waiting one second, then creating a second array with the same, then comparing the arrays.
It doesn’t seem to work great.
Here’s what I did:Function check-newincs(){
#get all inc windows
$newwin1 = @((Select-Window -Title "INC* - Windows Internet ") | ? {$_.Processname -eq "iexplore"})
#count windows
$count = $newwin.Count
sleep 5
#get them again
$newwin = @((Select-Window -Title "INC - Windows Internet *") | ? {$.Processname -eq "iexplore"})
#if count gets bigger, then
if ((Arearraysequal $newwin $newwin1) -eq $false){
$a = (Compare-Object $newwin $newwin1)
Set-Variable newinc ($a.InputObject) -Scope global
sleep 1
Function do-checknewincs() {
While ($true) {
arearraysequal contains a function I found on internet, but I don’t understand all subtleties of it because it isn’t commented.
For example I do not know what ".rank" is, or what ".getEnumerator()" does. That I can obviuosly find on internet.
I will post arearraysequal here if you are interested:function AreArraysEqual($a1, $a2) {
if ($a1 -isnot [array] -or $a2 -isnot [array]) {
throw "Both inputs must be an array"
if ($a1.Rank -ne $a2.Rank) {
return $false
if ([System.Object]::ReferenceEquals($a1, $a2)) {
return $true
for ($r = 0; $r -lt $a1.Rank; $r++) {
if ($a1.GetLength($r) -ne $a2.GetLength($r)) {
return $false
$enum1 = $a1.GetEnumerator()
$enum2 = $a2.GetEnumerator()
while ($enum1.MoveNext() -and $enum2.MoveNext()) {
if ($enum1.Current -ne $enum2.Current) {
return $false
return $true
Activate-inc just displays a message box with the title of the new window for now.
I use select-window from WASP, but I coul dalso have used the com object Shell.application and enumerated windows.
Thanks for any help on how to do this.
Instead of doing all that, you may try looking at Get-Process and the MainWindowTitle property.Get-Process | Select MainWindowTitle
This will list you all the window titles for the applications that have one. If you useGet-Process | Where-Object {$
.MainWindowTitle -like Some Title}
in you loop you should get to where you want to go.