Get KB details from EventViewer


I am trying to get the KB details from EventViewer

Below is the output.

TimeCreated                      Id LevelDisplayName Message                                                                                                                                                                        
-----------                      -- ---------------- -------                                                                                                                                                                        
13/1/2021 2:53:55 AM              2 Information      Package KB4598242 was successfully changed to the Installed state.  

What I want is to display in below output.

Server	 KB12345	KB67892	        KB22445
ServerA	 TimeCreated	TimeCreated	TimeCreated
ServerB	 TimeCreated	TimeCreated	TimeCreated

Below is the code i tried so far.

Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession
Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; $Error.Clear()
$ScriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
$Serverlist = @(get-content -Path "$ScriptDir\serverlist.txt")
$Kblist = @(get-content -Path "$ScriptDir\kblist.txt")
$Results = Foreach ($Server in $Serverlist)
    Foreach ($Kb in $KBlist)
            $TimeCreated = (Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname='setup'} -ComputerName $Server -ErrorAction Stop | where-object  { ($_.Message -like "*$kb*") -and ($_.Message -like "*installed*")}).TimeCreated
            Server = $Server
            Status = 'Success'
            InstalledDate = $TimeCreated
            Server = $Server
            Status = 'Fail'
            InstalledDate = $Null
$Results | Select-Object Server, Status, InstalledDate


I would like the output like below format.

Server KB TimeCreated
ServerA KB12345 xxxxxxxxxxx
ServerB KB56789 xxxxxxxxxxx

Your Get-WinEvent is not unique. The Massage contains the word INSTALLED more than one time.



Foreach ($Kb in $KBlist)
	$KBEvent = (Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname='setup'}  | where-object  { ($_.Message -like "*$kb*") -and ($_.Message -like "*installed*")})

	ForEach ($Item in $KBEvent){
			KB     = $kb
			Server = $Server
			Status = 'Success'
			InstalledDate = $Item.TimeCreated
			Message = $($Item.Message)
			KB     = $Item
			Server = $Server
			Status = 'Fail'
			InstalledDate = $Null
			Message = $($Item.Message)

For example:

$KBlist = @(“KB4576945”,“KB4571756”,“KB4576478”)

You can use the -match operator and a regular expression to extract the package name from the message. Also you can add id=2 to your filterhashtable instead of piping to Where-Object. Not sure why you need error handling in this situation, but you can do it if you want. Here’s my solution. Works fine on my localhost.

$kblist = -split @'

$events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname='setup';id=2} |
            Select-Object TimeCreated,
                          @{n="Package";e={$_.message -match "KB\d+" | Out-Null; $Matches[0]}}

$obj = @{}
#$obj.Server = $Server
foreach ($pkg in $kblist) {
    $obj."$pkg" = ($events | Where-Object {$_.Package -eq $pkg}).TimeCreated
} #foreach

[pscustomobject]$obj | Format-Table


You can also get the KB from:

Select-Object TimeCreated, @{n=“Package”;e={$_.Properties[0].Value}}

Not sure why I cant edit my post … I mean to add this as well. Another way to get system updates:

Get-WmiObject -ClassName Win32_QuickFixEngineering

I would totally go with TonyD’s recommendation if what you want is current applied hotfix, but if you want historic data (even if it is not current), you might have to go with log entries. This might catch things like a hotfix was installed then removed etc.