I am trying to get the `Color Palette` of an image. I tried various methods, and now I use the following code in `PowerShell`, but I could not get the correct result:
Honestly, I’m not sure this is a “PowerShell question” per se. I have zero experience manipulating images, for example. I mention it only because you’re basically doing .NET programming - and you might get a better answer on a dev-focused site like StackOverflow.com. This site ends up just being more about administrative automation than image manipulation… sorry :).
I appreciate you to answer my question, and your sound. in fact i got some fixable code to answering this Q, but now I getting some issue, it maybe you can fixed.
Now I have some member, can I damage or join those together? for example:
PS D:\> $table.Keys | select R, G, B
- - -
255 240 0
0 255 0
255 138 0
255 0 234