Get-Childitem depending on NodeName

I can’t see where I’m going wrong here so i’m hoping someone can point it out for me.
I have a HashTable of Nodes and Paths, i need to get the Items of a Path depending on the NodeName.

$Paths = @(
@{NodeName = "VMNAME"; Instance = "Internal" ; Path = "C:\Temp\"},
@{NodeName = "AnotherName" ; Instance = "External" ; Path = "C:\Temp2"},
@{NodeName = "VMNAME2"; Instance = "Internal" ; Path = "C:\Temp1\"}

If ($ENV:Computername -eq "VMNAME1" -or "VMNAME2"){
    Get-ChildItem $Paths.Where{$Paths.NodeName -eq $ENV:Computername}.Path

When i run this it gets the items on the path for the matching Nodename, but it also tries to get the items of all the other paths that don’t exist on this node.

Im sure i’m missing something silly, but just can’t see it.



Get-ChildItem ($Paths|Where{$PSItem.NodeName -eq $ENV:Computername}).Path

If you replace
$Paths.Where{$Paths.NodeName -eq $ENV:Computername}.Path


($paths | Where NodeName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME).Path

it’ll work.

It looks the Where() method isn’t unravelling the hash table

Thanks guys, I literally just spotted my mistake.

 If ($ENV:Computername -eq "VMNAME1" -or "VMNAME2"){
    Get-ChildItem $Paths.Where{$_.NodeName -eq $ENV:Computername}.Path


There’s also an error in the way you’re using -or in the if statement

Look at this test

$x = 4
$y = 5

$z = 4
if ($z -eq $x -or $y){"$z matches $x or $y"}else{"No match"}

$z = 5
if ($z -eq $x -or $y){"$z matches $x or $y"}else{"No match"}

$z = 2
if ($z -eq $x -or $y){"$z matches $x or $y"}else{"No match"}

It gives results of

4 matches 4 or 5
5 matches 4 or 5
2 matches 4 or 5

The last match is clearly wrong.

the correct coding is

$x = 4
$y = 5

$z = 4
if ($z -eq $x -or $z -eq $y){"$z matches $x or $y"}else{"No match"}

$z = 5
if ($z -eq $x -or $z -eq $y){"$z matches $x or $y"}else{"No match"}

$z = 2
if ($z -eq $x -or $z -eq $y){"$z matches $x or $y"}else{"No match"}

which gives

4 matches 4 or 5
5 matches 4 or 5
No match

If you think about the original version

($z -eq $x -or $y)

is equivalent to

( ($z -eq $x) -or ($y) )
$y will always return as true so therefore the if statement will always pass

the correct version
($z -eq $x -or $z -eq $y)

is equivalent to

( ($z -eq $x) -or ($z -eq $y) )
which gives the possibility of both tests being false and so the whole if statement fails the test

Check the examples in about_Logical_Operators