Foreach not continuing


I’ve written the below code to mount a WIM and inject some driver files.

   Add drivers to image
   Add required drivers to a newly mounted image and dismount once completed
   update-wim -Drivers .inf -Wim .wim
    Update-Wim -Drivers Netwbw02.INF,Netwew00.INF -Wim C:\sccm\dell\boot.wim -TargetFolder C:\temp\Mount
   -Drivers: add INF file. for addtional add a ',' between files. i.e. -Drivers Netwbw02.INF,Netwew00.INI
   -Wim: Add .Wim .i.e. boot.wim
   -TargetFolder: If left blank will default to C:\TempMount" else i.e. -TargetFolder C:\Temp\Image\Wim
   Output from this cmdlet (if any)
   By Graham Beer
   Created on 14/10/2015

function Update-Wim {

    Param (
            if ($_ -match "[IiNnFf]{3}$"){$true}
            else {Write-warning "$_ Is not a valid Driver file: Must be a .INF file" }})]
            if ($_ -match "[WwIiMm]{3}$"){$true}
            else {Write-warning "$_ Is not a Wim file: Must be a .wim file" }})]
        [system.String]$TargetFolder = 'C:\TempMount'

    Begin #display dirvers to add to wim
Try  {
     if ([boolean](Get-Module -Name DISM)) 
    Import-Module -Name DISM -PassThru -OutVariable Import |Out-Null
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($ module has been succesfully imported"
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red "DISM module is not available!!!"
     write-warning $_.Exception.Message

Try {    
    if ($TargetFolder -eq 'C:\TempMount')
    write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Default $($TargetFolder) being used`n"
    write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Custom Folder of $($TargetFolder) has been selected`n"
    if ($Drivers.Count -gt 1)
    Write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Going to install $Drivers files"
    Write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Going to install $Drivers file"
     write-warning $_.Exception.Message

    Process #Start process

    #Create directory to mount WIM
    write-warning "STAGE 1: Set Mount Folder"
Try  {
        if (Test-Path $TargetFolder) 
    write-warning "Directory Exists" 
        New-Item -ItemType 'Directory' -Path $TargetFolder -Force | Out-Null
    Write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan "$TargetFolder in place`n"           
     write-warning $_.Exception.Message

     #Mount the Wim to directory
     write-warning "STAGE 2: Mounting selected $($wim)......."
Try  {
        Mount-WindowsImage –ImagePath $wim –Index 1 -Path $TargetFolder | Out-Null
     Write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan "$($wim) now mounted to $TargetFolder`n"
     write-warning $_.Exception.Message

     #Add requested drivers to image
     Write-Warning "STAGE 3: Add Drivers to $($Wim)`n"
Try  {
#Trap { "Error: $_"; Continue; }
       Foreach ($driver in $Drivers) {
       $currentDriver = $Driver
       Add-WindowsDriver –Path $TargetFolder –Driver $Driver -ForceUnsigned -ErrorAction Continue
     Write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan " : $($Driver) has been injected to $($Wim)" }
    Write-host -ForegroundColor Red ('Failed to access {0} : {1} ' -f $currentDriver, ` 
     $_.Exception.Message )  
     $failed = ($_).count

Try  {
     #display newly added drivers to image
     if ($Failed -le 1)
     write-host -ForegroundColor Red "STAGE 4: Skipping as no drivers have been injected`n"  
     Write-Warning "STAGE 4: Showing newly installed driver(s)..."
      Get-WindowsDriver –Path $TargetFolder | where { $_.OriginalFileName -match $Driver } | select @{Name="FileName";exp={split-path $($_.OriginalFileName) -leaf}}, Driver, ClassDescription | ft -AutoSize }  
     write-warning $_.Exception.Message

     #Dismount the image ready for use
     Write-Warning "STAGE 5: Dismounting $($Wim)...."
Try  {
        Dismount-WindowsImage –Path $TargetFolder -Save | Out-Null
     Write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Completed Dismount of $($Wim)`n"
     write-warning $_.Exception.Message
    End #Closing summary

Try  {
    #delete $TargetFolder folder
    Remove-Item $TargetFolder -Force | out-null
    Write-Warning "Folder $TargetFolder has now been removed`n"
     write-warning $_.Exception.Message

    #completion message      
    if ([boolean]$Failed) 
    $FailedCount = [int]$drivers.count - [int]$failed
    write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "SUMMARY :"
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red "$($FailedCount) failed to install out of $($Drivers.count). Check DISM log for details"
    write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "SUMMARY :"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "$Drivers now added to $wim, image ready for use"  

This part of the code,

     #Add requested drivers to image
     Write-Warning "STAGE 3: Add Drivers to $($Wim)`n"
Try  {
#Trap { "Error: $_"; Continue; }
       Foreach ($driver in $Drivers) {
       $currentDriver = $Driver
       Add-WindowsDriver –Path $TargetFolder –Driver $Driver -ForceUnsigned -ErrorAction Continue
     Write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan " : $($Driver) has been injected to $($Wim)" }
    Write-host -ForegroundColor Red ('Failed to access {0} : {1} ' -f $currentDriver, ` 
     $_.Exception.Message )  
     $failed = ($_).count

Does not continue on a failed driver. I can work out why. Can anyone help ?

Try moving the try/catch block into the foreach block. In otherwords only have the try block encompass the command(s) that will actually throw the error.



Many thanks, that works. I changed as shown below.

  #Add requested drivers to image
     Write-Warning "STAGE 3: Add Drivers to $($Wim)`n"
     Foreach ($driver in $Drivers) {
Try  {
     $currentDriver = $Driver
     Add-WindowsDriver –Path $TargetFolder –Driver $Driver -ForceUnsigned -ErrorAction Continue | Out-Null
     Write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan ": $($Driver) has been injected to $($Wim)`n" 
    Write-host -ForegroundColor Red ('Failed to access {0} : {1} ' -f $currentDriver, ` 
    $_.Exception.Message )  
    $failed = ($_).count