Exchange 2010 MessageTrackingLog

I am trying to search the MessageTrackingLog on an exchange 2010 server, and insert the results into a database. The Get-MessageTrackingLog part works but I am not sure how to get the data into the table.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Open Connection

$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$connectionString = “Server=DATA-SERVER;Database=databasename;user=user;pwd=password;”
$conn.ConnectionString = $connectionString

Create the Command object to execute the queries

$cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$cmd.Connection = $conn
$cmd.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]::Text

$nDate Timestamp

$nTime Time

$nIP clientip

$nEID EventId

$nRecip RecipientCount

$nSAddress sender

$nRecipAddress Recipents

$nMessSub MessageSubject

$totalb TotalBytes

#$nRecipAddress = ‘’
$nTime = Get-Date -Format “hhmmss”

$Test = Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start “07/21/2014 08:00:00” -End “07/21/2014 16:10:00” -resultsize unlimited |
select Timestamp,sender,clientip,RecipientCount,EventId,MessageSubject,TotalBytes,@{Name=”Recipents”;Expression={$.recipients}} |
Where-Object {$
.clientip -eq “” -AND $_.EventId -eq “Receive”} | Foreach {

$nDate = $Test | Group-Object -Property Timestamp | Select-Object name | sort

#$nTime = $Test | Group-Object -Property Timestamp | Select-Object name | sort

$nIP = $Test | Group-Object -Property clientip | Select-Object name | sort

$nEID = $Test | Group-Object -Property EventId | Select-Object name | sort

$nRecip = $Test | Group-Object -Property RecipientCount | Select-Object name | sort

$nSAddress = $Test | Group-Object -Property sender | Select-Object name | sort

$nRecipAddress = $Test | Group-Object -Property Recipents | Select-Object name | sort

$nMessSub = $Test | Group-Object -Property MessageSubject | Select-Object name | sort

$totalb = $Test | Group-Object -Property TotalBytes | Select-Object name | sort


$query = “INSERT INTO TrackingLog (Date, Time, [client-ip], [Event-ID], NoRecipients, [Sender-Address], [Recipient-Address], [Message-Subject], [total-bytes])
VALUES(‘$nDate’, $nTime, ‘$nIP’, ‘$nEID’, ‘$nRecip’, ‘$nSAddress’, ‘$nRecipAddress’, ‘$nMessSub’, '$totalb ')”

Uncomment next line to display query for checking


Setup Command

$cmd.CommandText = $query

Execute Command to insert data for this $drive



At first glance your code looks OK - what errors are you getting. if you can capture the contents of $query try running it directly in SQL Server Management studio - you often get better error messages

I am not getting any errors, but the data is not going into the table

Taken from your code

Uncomment next line to display query for checking


I’m not sure if this is on purpose or not, but you have a #$query here. Is this supposed to just be $query?

#$query that is just for testing. $query line will just show the insert statement.