Hi All,
Trying to build a script that is run daily that generates a health report of the DFS replication of Sysvol.
I am able to see the Domain System Volume with the following command:
Get-DfsReplicationGroup -groupname “Domain System Volume” -includesysvol | Write-DfsrHealthReport -path “C:\temp”
But when i try to pipe the command to Write-DfsrHealthReport i get an errormessage that the replication group cannot be found.
"Write-DfsrHealthReport : Could not create the health report on the computer named DC1 because no replication groups found named: “Domain System Volume”
Also tried to use the command without piping it, but i get the same errormessage.
Write-DfsrHealthReport -ReferenceComputerName DC1 -GroupName “Domain System Volume” -path C:\temp
I have noticed that the Write-DFSRHealthReport command does not have the -includesysvol parameter.
I am currently running the powershell as Domain Admin.
Does anyone have a solution to this issue?
I can generate the report in the GUI.
Best Regards