DFSR Healthreport for Domain System Volume / SYSVOL

Hi All,

Trying to build a script that is run daily that generates a health report of the DFS replication of Sysvol.

I am able to see the Domain System Volume with the following command:

Get-DfsReplicationGroup -groupname “Domain System Volume” -includesysvol | Write-DfsrHealthReport -path “C:\temp”

But when i try to pipe the command to Write-DfsrHealthReport i get an errormessage that the replication group cannot be found.

"Write-DfsrHealthReport : Could not create the health report on the computer named DC1 because no replication groups found named: “Domain System Volume”

Also tried to use the command without piping it, but i get the same errormessage.

Write-DfsrHealthReport -ReferenceComputerName DC1 -GroupName “Domain System Volume” -path C:\temp

I have noticed that the Write-DFSRHealthReport command does not have the -includesysvol parameter.

I am currently running the powershell as Domain Admin.

Does anyone have a solution to this issue?

I can generate the report in the GUI.

Best Regards


If you do

Get-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName * -IncludeSysvol
is Domain System Volume actually present?


Yes, it shows up!

Like below;

GroupName : Domain System Volume
DomainName : xxxx.xxxx.xx
Identifier : xxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Description :
State : Normal

Per the answer you got on technet, it seems you cannot do this with Write-DFSRHealthReport.

However, you might be able to interact with DfsrAdmin.exe at the command line as discussed in this blog. And you’re in luck, the link to his script is still alive. But, this is 8.5 years old… decent odds that this won’t work anymore.