by rob.irvin at 2012-10-10 16:34:54
Hi. I am working with .csv files and am not getting the desired result. I have the following:by JeffH at 2012-10-10 18:51:37
$Remote = import-csv -Path "c:\wcsv\remote.csv"
$Local = import-csv -Path "C:\wcsv\local.csv"
$diff = compare-Object $Local $Remote -Property name,slot
The problem is, I am using the $diff array side indicators in a foreach loop. When I look at the output of $diff I can see extra side indicators that I discovered are carriage returns in one of the .csv files. I can remove the carriage returns manually before importing the .csv files and everything is great. However, I am not the one who is creating the .csv files and can’t control whether or not they create them properly. If possible I would like to omit the carriage return blank lines before importing the .csv files into the arrays.
Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance.
So the CSV files have blank lines in them? If so you could try this:by rob.irvin at 2012-10-10 19:35:36
$remote = get-content c:\wcsv\remote.csv | where {$_} | convertfrom-csv
Thanks Jeff. I’ll be looking at this again tomorrow but after reading about "convertfrom-csv" I think you might have nailed it. Thanks for your quick reply and I’ll let you know how it rob.irvin at 2012-10-11 12:59:13
Thanks Jeff… works perfectly.