Credential issue in Pull server script

Hi All,

While configuring pull server when a script with credentials is executed , it shows PlainTextPassword error.
Here is the script :

$username = “MW\biswaa”
$password = Read-Host -AsSecureString
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
-argumentlist $username, $password

$content = Get-Content “D:\demo.json” | Out-String
$parsejson = ConvertFrom-Json $content

Configuration testconfig
[string] $node,


Node $node
  File Copyfile
     Ensure = "Present"
     Type = "Directory"
     SourcePath ="xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
     DestinationPath = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    credential = $cred


foreach ($sitecontent in $parsejson)
$content = $sitecontent.Sites
$Node = $content.Server

write-host "Generating GUIDs and creating MOF files..."
$NewGUID = [guid]::NewGuid()
$NewLine = "{0},{1}" -f $Node,$NewGUID
$NewLine | add-content -path "$env:SystemDrive\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\DscService\Configuration\dscnodes.csv"

$config = @{
    AllNodes = @(
            Nodename = $NewGUID
            PSDSCAllowPlainTextPassword = $true

TestConfig -node $NewGUID -cred $cred -ConfigurationData $config
Write-Host "Found Node - " +$Node

Error ::

ConvertTo-MOFInstance : System.InvalidOperationException error processing property ‘Credential’ OF TYPE ‘Script’: Converting and storing encrypted passwords as plain text is not
recommended. For more information on securing credentials in MOF file, please refer to MSDN blog:

When I am giving Node name , it works fine, but the issue occurs if GUID is involved in it.

It might be because you’re assigning a GUID object to the Nodename property in your configuration data, rather than an string (which would be $NewGUID.Guid). In any case, it’s simpler to just use NodeName=‘*’, and not worry about that:

$config = @{
    AllNodes = @(
            Nodename = '*'
            PSDSCAllowPlainTextPassword = $true