Active directory Group report user description not showing up

Everything works except the user description. I’m guessing because the group and user description are the same attribute name. Not sure how to fix it.

Begin {

        $data = @()
            Import-Module ActiveDirectory 
            Write-Warning "The Active Directory module was not found" 
     }#end begin

        $Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Infor,OU=COS Groups,DC=ad,DC=springfieldmo,DC=gov" -Properties name, groupcategory, groupscope,description

            foreach( $Group in $Groups ){

                Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group | Get-ADUser -Properties samaccountname, givenname,sn,title,description | foreach {

                $data+=  [pscustomobject]@{ObjectName             =$
                                                objectclass       =$_.objectclass
                                                GroupName         =$
                                                GroupCategory     =$group.groupcategory
                                                GroupScope        =$group.groupscope
                                                GroupDescription  =$group.description
                                                distinguishedName =$_.distinguishedName
                                                UserName          =$_.samaccountname
                                                FirstName         =$_.givenname
                                                LastName          =$
                                                Title             =$_.title
                                                UserDescription   =$_.Description

                }#end foreach
             }# end foreach

    }# end process block

    end {

I’d recommend to use the #requires statement instead of your begin block and some minor tweaks but the user description works for me as intended I think. What is you problem?
That should be enough actually:

#Requires -Modules ActiveDirectory

$SearchBase = ‘OU=Infor,OU=COS Groups,DC=ad,DC=springfieldmo,DC=gov’

$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase -Properties name, groupcategory, groupscope, description
foreach ( $Group in $Groups ) {
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group |
Get-ADUser -Properties samaccountname, givenname, sn, title, description |
ForEach-Object {
GroupName = $
GroupCategory = $group.groupcategory
GroupScope = $group.groupscope
GroupDescription = $group.description
ObjectName = $.name
objectclass = $
distinguishedName = $.distinguishedName
UserName = $
FirstName = $.givenname
LastName = $
Title = $.title
UserDescription = $
} #end foreach
} # end foreach

BTW: Actually since Powershell version 3.0 you don’t need to load the needed modules explicitly. Powershell does this for you automatically.