2003 DC Access with Quest First Script

by i255d at 2013-03-05 14:20:27

I am trying the Quest AD tools for the first time. I wrote my first script and I want to see how I can make it better.

$CitrixGroups = Get-QADGroup -Name Citrix* | Select -Property Name |
ForEach-Object {Add-Content -Path "U:\My Documents\Scirpts\Usernames.txt" -Value ""
Add-Content -Path "U:\My Documents\Scirpts\Usernames.txt" -Value $.name
$Users = Get-QADUser -MemberOf $
Add-Content -Path "U:\My Documents\Scirpts\Usernames.txt" -Value ""
Add-Content -Path "U:\My Documents\Scirpts\Usernames.txt" -Value $Users.SamAccountName

Let me have it…
This gave me a text document with the name of the group and then the user ID’s in that group, with a little spacing. Maybe we can make this into a tool…?
by coderaven at 2013-03-06 17:15:01
See this post, is it something like what you are looking for? It seems to me you are wanting to expand the members of a group and save it to file.
by DexterPOSH at 2013-03-07 19:27:06

Just wanted to share that Get-QADGroupMember cmdlet can also be used to get all the User accounts in a group.
This can be of relevance to improve the code in future :
Get-QADGroupMember -identity CitriXGroup -Indirect | where {$.type -match "user"}
by i255d at 2013-03-11 17:44:53
Thanks, but this assumes you know the group. My script if looking for all the groups with the Citrix at the begining. I have not had a chance to play with yours yet.
I am stilll looking for ways to do my script better???
Thanks again…
by SalvaG at 2013-03-11 23:43:21
perhaps this code will help you

Get-QADGroup -Identity Citrix*| % {write-host "Group: $
"; Get-QADGroupMember -Identity $_ -Indirect -Type user;Write-host ""}
by DexterPOSH at 2013-03-12 01:18:35
Get-QADGroup -Identity Citrix*| % {write-host "Group: $"; Get-QADGroupMember -Identity $ -Indirect -Type user;Write-host ""}[/quote]

I just wanted to show that Get-QADGroupMember can be used to get the members of the group; You can always pipeline the output from Get-QADGroup to get the groups and then recursively get the members just like in the above code…